1. ‘Company Income’ is the amount which TPC receives from the agency
  2. ‘Aprenticeship Levy’ is paid to HMRC by us as TPC is a large business based in the UK and meets the qualifying requirements
  3. ‘Employer’s NI’ is the National Insurance contributions all employers are required to make.
  4. ‘Accrued Holiday Pay’ is the amount you have elected to save for use at a later date
  5. ‘Company Margin’ is the margin retained by TPC
  6. ‘Tax Code’ is provided by HMRC. It dictates what tax will be deducted from your wages depending on the individual
  7. ‘Employee Deductions’ section shows the amount of personal tax and NI which is deducted from the salary
  8. ‘Basic Rate’ is hours worked at the living/minimum wage, whichever is applicable
    ‘Additional Taxable Wage’ is the difference between NLW/NMW to make up gross pay
  9. If you are auto-enrolled in a pension scheme your employee contributions will also appear here
  10. ‘This Period’ section provides a summary of taxable earnings and deductions for this pay period
  11. ‘Year to Date’ section provides a summary of all taxable earnings and deductions so far during the financial year.
  12. ‘Total Payment’ is the net amount which is paid into your bank that week or month

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The TPC Process

Here at TPC we will take care of all your admin for you, calculating your Tax and NI Contributions and making sure you are HMRC compliant. The pay to your bank account will always be made promptly and more most importantly – accurately too.

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