- ‘Company Income’ is the amount which TPC receives from the agency
- ‘Aprenticeship Levy’ is paid to HMRC by us as TPC is a large business based in the UK and meets the qualifying requirements
- ‘Employer’s NI’ is the National Insurance contributions all employers are required to make.
- ‘Accrued Holiday Pay’ is the amount you have elected to save for use at a later date
- ‘Company Margin’ is the margin retained by TPC
- ‘Tax Code’ is provided by HMRC. It dictates what tax will be deducted from your wages depending on the individual
- ‘Employee Deductions’ section shows the amount of personal tax and NI which is deducted from the salary
- ‘Basic Rate’ is hours worked at the living/minimum wage, whichever is applicable
‘Additional Taxable Wage’ is the difference between NLW/NMW to make up gross pay - If you are auto-enrolled in a pension scheme your employee contributions will also appear here
- ‘This Period’ section provides a summary of taxable earnings and deductions for this pay period
- ‘Year to Date’ section provides a summary of all taxable earnings and deductions so far during the financial year.
- ‘Total Payment’ is the net amount which is paid into your bank that week or month